Saturday, April 21, 2018

Mercy for our President

As I watch what happens in social media, and the broader media, and in conversations, it seems liberals on the political left appear to be acting much like the conservatives did when Obama was in power. Many dissatisfied with Trump's leadership seem to focus on standing in his way, even destroying him, just like republicans vowed to do when Obama served.
I prayed a lot for Obama, as I'm sure many did. Despite the criticism he faced, Obama pulled the rabbit out of the proverbial hat with many of his astounding accomplishments - cutting the unemployment rate in half, tripling the stock market, pulling us out of the greatest recession our nation has known since the great depression, creating 17+ million jobs, fighting for women, kids, and veterans, health care, seniors, minorities, the environment, etc., all while reducing the national deficit by 60%. He performed miracles against astounding opposition.
Although the temptation is great for those who disagree with Mr. Trump's values to attack him, I can't help but think that praying for Trump would be a better idea for the betterment of life for Americans. Instead of contributing to the negativity, liberals have a chance to ask for from a Higher Power, as we did with Obama, for support in manifesting decisions that will be good for us all, in win-win fashion, rather than the more popular win-lose mentality.
If we truly want our country to be at it's best, and for all Americans to be on the receiving end of blessings, wouldn't it make more sense for us to focus on what we want from our leaders, instead of attacking them all the time?
Despite his public image, I believe Mr. Trump has a heart, but he is so busy defending it, he can't put any energy into showing it. He is not thick-skinned like our previous leader. He is insecure and lost in an ocean he's never swam in before. Surely he needs our help more than he needs us pushing his head under the water. Wouldn't you need the same from those who disagree with you?