Sunday, December 29, 2019

Many Young People Looking for Integrity in Religion

E. Jean Carroll recently revealed her story (with corroboration) of being raped by President Trump.  There are at least 15 others who have the same experience, namely, Jessica Leeds, Kristin Anderson, Jill Harth, Cathy Heller, Temple Taggart McDowell, Karena Virginia, Melinda McGillivray, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Jessica Drake, Ninni Laaksonen, Summer Zervos, Juliet Huddy, Alva Johnson, and Cassandra Searles, plus another 22 reporting being sexually harassed by him, in keeping with how he describes his own behavior of preying on women.
Carroll’s account is not pretty, and has been classified in the legal system as “rape.” 

“He lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips. I am so shocked I shove him back... He seizes both my arms and pushes me up against the wall a second time, and, as I become aware of how large he is, he holds me against the wall with his shoulder and jams his hand under my coat dress and pulls down my tights.  The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzips his pants, and, forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me.” 
The support of the Christian right for this behavior, along with general disrespect, abuse, and cover-up in so many other areas, is a example of why religion is being abandoned by our young people. Tessa Landrum reports in a recent article in Kentucky Today, that many of her generation (Gen Z) are finding they want no part of the hypocrisy and lack of integrity demonstrated by many religious positions that promote assaults on women, blacks, LGBTQs, immigrants, those of other faiths, and the poor.  
This gives me hope that the newer generations will not put up with ‘good old boys’ mentality, but rather seek honest and genuine relationships, both personally and professionally, supported by a recognition that true spirituality means we treat each other with respect as equals.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

An Opportunity to Make a Difference

After inheriting an un-stoppable accelerating economy, Mr. Trump, in his first 2 1/2 years, has managed to slow job growth by 25%, and slowed    S & P 500 growth by 2/3. 

Pretending China is paying for his tariffs (they aren't - Americans companies pay China to buy the more expensive items), the tariffs are now costing Americans (through the purchasing of price-inflated products) about $3.4 billion a month.

A record number of farmers are going out of business. After some taking as much as a 50% hit on their products, and the elimination of many world markets, tens of Billions of dollars are being paid to farmers from our Treasury to try to keep them afloat from our leader-created mess.

Violence has increase by 226% on average in the communities Trump has held his rallies inciting hate. American terrorists quote Trump as their inspiration for mass murders.

We continue to experience and encourage 270 times the number of shooting deaths by Americans each week as our soldiers experience on battlefields worldwide. Our conservative leaders in Washington do nothing to stop this (although they often offer 'thoughts and prayers' - actually, do you think they really pray?)

Seven Million Americans lost their health coverage since Mr. Trump started issuing his "executive orders."

Inheriting a national deficit that had been cut in half by the previous administration ($1.2 Trillion --> $487 Billion), Trump doubled it back to the Great Recession levels in less than one year.

While 222 countries around the world are taking responsibility to address climate change, the leader of our country denies and accelerates climate change with policies to restrict funding to green energy and increasing investments into green-house-gas-producing energy sources headed by his donors.

He has successfully encouraged policies all over the country to enslave more women to life-long unwanted child-rearing and condemn them to poverty by restricting family planning resources.

Under the guise of protecting our country, he has caged and tortured thousands of refugees seeking protection from life threatening conditions for their families (allowing some to die), and kidnapped hundreds of children from foreign families who will never again have the chance to be reunited with their parents.

I know this is a free country, and we get to support this type of treatment of human beings and of the planet if we choose to, but in my mind, this is not what freedom is for.

Freedom is for helping others get free, for protecting people from many types of attacks and assaults, and nurturing human beings through compassion, respect, and through financial assistance from the haves to the have-nots.

With privilege comes responsibility. I urge all of us to take responsibility to foster the values we hold dear and are at the foundation of our country. We do not have to become the monsters of the world and participate in destroying both it and human dignity.

The answer is a return to love. We are capable of it. We can work for it. We can choose it. 

Let's do it! :-)

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

A Better World is Coming

I’ve been reading David Hawkins’ book, Power Vs. Force for the fourth time this summer.  It is filled with encouragement and hope for those that are afraid our world is headed permanently into the abyss.   He uses energy frequencies to determine how dangerous or helpful certain attitudes, people, and practices are. 

For example, he has found that a few positive thoughts can balance out dozens of negative ones, and much of the world’s negativity does not stand a chance against the healing power of love. 

Eighty five percent of the world does not have the capacity to move the world forward, but the other 15% have enough power to overcome the negativity of the others.  There are fewer wars now than any time in human history.  The damages of climate change, though critical, will be reversed by the ingenuity and resourcefulness of higher energies that exceed those of the uninformed and ill-intentioned. 

A 150 years ago, blacks were still slaves in the United States.  A 100 years ago, women couldn’t vote.  Fifty years ago, black children couldn’t go to school with white children.  Ten years ago, homosexuals couldn’t legally love each other without judgment, or commit to each other in marriage.  Although it would be difficult to determine by watching today’s media, it is clear to those who really see our progress, the world is getting better.  (If you need more confirmation the world is getting better, read Factfulness, by Hans Roseling.)

Our current president, who vibrates at a level of 191, will leave our country in a greater mess than where he found it (any vibration below 200 cannot make the world a better place).  Someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, however, vibrates at a level of 496, and has the capacity to mitigate the impact of 750,000 negative energies.  This is remarkable power.

The efforts of Gandhi and Lincoln, both vibrating at around 700, could not be stopped, because of the overwhelming integrity with which they provided leadership.  (Most people vibrating at 700 make contributions that last for generations to come and affect millions of people in positive ways.)

Since the overall energies of the world now exceed 207, those who would destroy the world cannot prevail.  The slow, positive progress of humanity is certain.  There are currently 12 people on the planet that vibrate at 700 or above.  Love, freedom, and peace will win in the long run.  The vibrations demand it.

No matter how bad the world looks now, rest in the knowledge that evil cannot stop good, and we’re headed for better things.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Experiencing Medical Care Overseas: An Inspiring Medical Reality

I recently returned from the Greek Isles on a cruise vacation that started in Venice.  My wife and I sat down next to a couple at dinner from Canada, and we began to swap stories.  The conversation gradually turned to health care, and then it got very interesting.

Our new Canadian friends Ashley and Chris pay 18% income tax a year, plus another 13% sales tax for public services including their health care – a total of 31%.  (Actually it’s a little less than 31% because they don’t spend everything they make, and hence are not taxed the full 13% sales tax on all their income). In fact, they’ve never spent a dime on sickness or wellness.  Everything’s covered from congestion to cancer.  They wanted to know what it was like in the United States.

I started by letting them know our federal and state taxes (combined) are usually around 25% .  We do pay a sales tax of an additional 7% for a combined tax rate of about 32% (or a little less, because we don’t spend everything we make either). 

For roughly the same amount of tax, they get free health care coverage, and we do not.  In fact, I informed them that my wife and I have spent more than ¾ of a million dollars in out of pocket costs on health insurance and an occasional visit to the doctor.

They were shocked.  “That would bankrupt us,” they said.  (They actually turned white at the realization.)  We told them we were lucky, and had good enough jobs to pay the nearly $20,000 a year in health premiums and deductibles, and still live a nice life. Many in the U.S., we informed them, DO go bankrupt as a result of medical costs. (More than 10,000 Americans each month file bankruptcy due to medical bills, or an inability to work because they can’t get care.)  “Well, that’s something we’ll never have to worry about,” Ashley and Chris agreed with relief. 

“But what about getting services when you need them?” we asked.  “We’ve heard you sometimes have to wait a long time to get what you need.”  They looked at us with puzzled faces.

“If you’re condition is not of an immediate need, like a future knee replacement that is not acute, then you will have to wait your turn. But if your need is reasonable, like you have broken arm or a fever, or a sore throat, you can get seen immediately by one of many clinics near your home.  It’s same-day service, really.” 

Oh, by the way, Canadian free medical services include pregnancy and delivery coverages, all hospital charges, eye care, chiropractic services, and even massages if you want them.  

“Diseases are often discovered earlier here too.  Instead of holding out on going to a doctor because of the cost, we can go with any concern and get it dealt with early on.”

We also learned everyone receives 1 year of maternity or paternity leave at 55% salary, or at their option, can have 100% child care services covered for one year if they choose to go back to work.

I asked, “How do the doctors like your system?”

“They’re happy,” said Chris.  They can spend a lot more time with you.  They’re paid to care, not make money.”


The next day I sprained my ankle on a hike on the island of Crete.  When I got back to the ship, I sought out the medic on board, and hoping to get an ankle support band to contain the swelling, along with ice and ibuprofen.  “We better take X-rays to rule out any break,” said the doctor. 

The woman ahead of me was after some medication for a condition she did not share with me.  She was informed her doctor’s visit would be $40.  “I’m not used to paying for this, you know.  I’ve never paid for any medical services.”

“Where are you from?” the attending nurse asked.  “Canada,” she responded.  She was a bit shocked that her medical need would cost her a whole $40.

 “I suppose you’re used to this,” she said, now talking to me.  I replied, “Yes, we’d pay 4 - 5 times that just to see the doctor, without the medication.  Her jaw dropped.  “Thank God I live in Canada!” she said.

Before walking out the door, the woman said, “They scare you there, don’t they, telling you they can’t afford to provide medical care for all of you.  But they’re wrong.  Yes, we pay a little more in taxes for it, but it’s worth it.  I don’t see why your government doesn’t allow it.”

I did the math and figured out if I had the chance to pay a sales tax of 13% instead of 7% over my working life, I would have saved more than $550,000 in medical costs.

My three new friends were dumbfounded, trying to grasp the draconian practices of delivering health care in the United States.  And they were delighted that their country, at least where health care was concerned, was one of compassion, caring, and sensibility.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Where Are the Answers?

I think what has disturbed the majority of Americans these last few years, is our confusion over why hate has replaced love, insensitivity has replaced compassion, and lies have become so popular over truth.  We have been jarred out of the illusion that racism had been largely defeated, and that caring for one another was the value of the day.

We have a lot of listening and learning to do about what drives the rage and attack against honesty and integrity, and why so many Christians abandon following Jesus.  Many whom we have positively regarded in the past, have become enigmas, and leave us wondering, “Where has respect gone?”  When did we cross over to start agreeing that the rich and privileged should have their way, preying on the backs of the common man? When did selfishness replace caring for the planet, and money become more important than people?

When did we embrace the idea that sick people can be discarded, that those fleeing violence can be abandoned?  When did we forsake our morals and let fear start to control our decisions?  When did manipulation, bullying, and overpowering become preferable to working together for the good of all?

What I know for sure is that only love conquers fear, that attack breeds attack, and that people learn caring through example.  In our disillusionment over the progress we thought we had made, many of us are left mystified and discouraged, as we realize that consideration for others has given way to a “me first” attitude that only leads to separation and animosity for our brothers and sisters of humanity.

I have learned over the years, that for many of us, we only change when the pain of not changing overwhelms our commitment to the denial that condemning one another is not working.

We must listen to each other’s fears, for only in speaking honestly about what truly bothers us with vulnerability will we ever be reunited to feel the oneness that we are. Humility precedes healing.  When we’re tired enough of the fighting, we will once again try cooperating.  And that, will be our salvation.