Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Before It's Too Late

A number of Americans voted for Mr. Trump because they thought he was a good businessman, and what we needed was a successful business mind in the White House. 

As one who coaches businesses almost on a daily basis, those who are not business owners may not realize that businesses are set up to make money for the investors.  Presidents of companies need to please their board of directors to maintain their position of power.  There are exceptions, of course, but service to customers usually takes second place to employing workers to earn money for the financiers.  (As a leadership trainer, we now train business owners in more effective business models, where service is the main key to success.)

So, the misinformed struggling class (workers), who thought a bold, brash business mind at the top, would look out for their best interests, are gradually seeing the light.

While Trump talks about serving the “people” and attacks his critics, he crafts ways to funnel extra money to those who finance him.  Hence, the bulk of 3.5 Trillion dollars in tax breaks goes to the wealthiest 1% in the nation, and the debt is put on the backs of the workers.  

Denial of global warming is fierce in order to protect his oil company and defense contractor buddies so they can multiply their billions.  

Complaining about vulnerable “have nots” entering our country illegally, while doing nothing to reform immigration laws that would allow these valuable humans into our country that our workforce desperately needs, is a very backwards way to not solve a problem. Have you noticed the plethora of ‘Help Wanted’ signs in your community, and businesses closing because they cannot get the workers they need to provide their service?

Republicans have demonstrated over and over again that their “trickle down theory” of economics destroys our economy.  Remember when Reagan put big tax cuts in place during his reign, and then had to raise taxes on the rich before he left office because he saw it was destroying our country?  

Remember when George Bush gave big tax breaks to the wealthy and drove our economy into it’s worse recession in 80 years?  

Remember how Obama reduced our national deficit by more than half, while Trump has more than doubled our national deficit since his budget was put back into play less than a year ago?

After riding the shirt-tails of Obama’s tripling the S & P 500, Trump’s policies taking effect in 2018 have dropped the market more than 550 points, as a new recession approaches.

In a single year, Mr. Trump’s inadequate leadership has slowed our job growth by 15%, with more corporate heads threatening additional lay-offs.  Just like George Bush reversed Bill Clinton’s budget surplus heading for a debt-free America, Mr. Trump has reversed the positive economic trend of decelerating national spending that he was handed when he took office.

It’s easier for me to see now how Hitler gained power by appealing to the lower natures of our human emotions.  All he needed was 1/3 of the population to agree with hating, disempowering the less fortunate, attacking those who are different - and the rest of the population not to fight back.

We’re on dangerous territory for many reasons, and we need to put a stop-gap on Trump’s power until he can be replaced by voting again for decency, compassion, inclusion, respect, sensibility, and fiscal responsibility in the White House once again.