Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Special Challenge of Accountability

This is for leaders and those interested in ethics.  The temptation will be to turn this into something political.  Don’t.  It’s a non-partisan question that has nothing to do with either Republicans or Democrats.  It’s about personal conduct and abdication of responsibility as a human being and an honored national leader.

What do we say about a president, any president, no matter what the party, who, briefed by the WHO of a cataclysmic virus spreading in China in November, which became a daily briefing in January, and who, even two months after that, muzzles publically the nation’s leading expert on viruses from sharing the truth, along the way telling us “We’re very close to a vaccine” (Feb 25),  “It will disappear like a miracle” (Feb 27), “It will go away” (Mar 10), and who, in addition, delayed social distancing for weeks, role models how not to follow the CDC advice of wearing masks in public, and in the same week the surgeon general proclaims is our “pearl harbor” week, (and the same day we experienced the most deaths in the United States to date), continues to tell us we are “seeing a light at the end of the tunnel” ?

You, who are supervisors of others, how would you hold such an employee accountable, knowing his negligence was responsible for thousands of current and future deaths, more, in fact, than we lost in the terrorist attack in the U.S. on 911, and far more than just “shooting someone on Fifth Avenue.”?

I want to emphasize, I do not want to hear any blaming of Mr. Trump, who is doing the best he can with the ability he has.  And, I am still interested in hearing how such a person with these behaviors, no matter who he worked for, should be held accountable?

This is a sticky situation, and perhaps difficult to answer objectively, in light of current social pressures to politicize.  Yet, at the same time, we remember in the past we have sanctioned both a Democratic president for trying to conceal having sex with a subordinate near the oval office (and his honoring of a request by Congress to appear and explain it), and a Republican president for breaking and entering the Watergate Building (also in which no one died). 

So, let’s focus.  I am posing two questions:

(1)  Is it appropriate a person who exhibits such actions described, be held accountable for them?  
(2)  How could this be done given his political position, and immunity granted by the United States Senate to do anything he wants?

Insights, please?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Understanding Our Differences from a Quantum Perspective

Have you ever wondered why someone gets caught up in beliefs that have no bearing or relationship to reality? Why they can’t see the obvious? Why they are so averse to considering facts?
Remembering this may help. We cannot make leaps in vibrational level. And, we can only be open to that which approximates our vibration. David Hawkin’s (see Power vs. Force) vibrational scale is helpful here. If you are vibrating as a level, say, of 350, and the person you’re talking to is vibrating at 200, the other person will not have the capacity to understand the concepts you see. It’s out of their vibrational range.
Similarly, views that they hold may make no sense to you because they are not a vibrational match to where you are.
Those focused on compassion, honesty and integrity are seen, by those who fear reality, as crazy. Those focused on fear, dishonesty, and needing to be right, not only cannot relate to concepts of caring, reason, or being their ‘brother’s keeper’; it is beyond their comprehension. They see people as separate, and divide individuals/groups into categories of folks worth caring about or not caring about.
If you can see we are all one, all equal in value, and that love is our source, our destiny, and our way of life, the idea of taking from the poor and giving to the rich, taking food supplies away from hungry people, or ignoring the needs of the homeless or desperate, is abhorrent to you, but seems perfectly normal to folks vibrating at a level of separateness.
So when you are frustrated that someone does not see how they are hurting others or seem to lack caring of the vulnerable, know they are not bad people, they are simply not capable of seeing what you see.