I judge no one, and I realize everyone is doing the best they can with the information they have. Perhaps that is why I find it exhilarating to entertain different points of view. Here’s what I’ve been thinking lately…a conversation anyone? 😊
I match the Fox News confession when I acknowledge the following is purely entertainment and not news, although in my case, I did not have to pay $787 million for gaslighting the public and not admitting to it upfront.
Why Kamala Should Win the Election, and Why She Might Not
Given the close race, veterans and families of veterans would likely be enough to give Kamala the victory alone. (Why would they vote for someone who sees them as ‘suckers and losers’?)
Given so many are struggling financially, the poor and the middle class should alone assure Kamala’s victory since his opponent last time gave 83% of his tax breaks to the wealthy, and intends to again intensify increased financial burden on the middle class (those making less than $150,000) while giving more tax breaks to those making more than $150,000/yr. And that's just talking about direct tax, not the additional estimated 20% in product inflation costs that would be generated by Trump's intended tariffs.
Trump’s tax and economic proposals would, in 2026, cut taxes for the richest 5% of Americans and increase them for everyone else, according to an analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).
On the other hand, as ITEP announced Wednesday, Vice President Kamala Harris’s proposals would do just the opposite.
If her tax proposals are in effect in 2026, the richest 1% would pay an average of 4.1% of their income more in taxes while those in all other income groups would receive tax cuts. That includes an average tax cut of 2.7% for middle class families and an average tax cut of 7% for the poorest Americans.
Given the court has acknowledged her opponent’s raping of E. Jean Carol and finding him liable for sexual abuse, and that he has bragged on tape about sexually assaulting women - this alone should stimulate enough women’s votes to hand Kamala the victory. Kamala does not support rape or sexual assault, and in fact, has prosecuted those who abuse others.
Since her opponent has a history of racism (they have “bad genes”), the black and Latino vote alone should hand Kamala the victory, providing their votes are not disallowed (as they have in the past in Florida and Georgia). Meanwhile, Kamala’s mixed race herself and ethical positions support racial equality for those who think that’s a good thing.
Those who lost family members and friends to COVID it seems would alone put Kamala over the top given her opponent stuck his head in the sand about the disease and sacrificed more than 1 million American lives in his poor judgement and ignorance. Those with long-term effects due to COVID would also vote for Kamala since her opponent plans to take away insurance coverage for pre-conditions previously secured under Obamacare.
Are you better off now than 4 years ago?
In October of 2020, 24,930 died of COVID
“It’s going to disappear. It is disappearing.
- Donald Trump, October 10, 2020
Indeed, COVID did not go away until the Biden-Harris administration invested billions of dollars to save and support American families (part of what contributed to the temporary rise in inflation that has turned around and been falling over the last 2 1/2 years.)
Those in their 60’s or older should alone put Kamala over the top as her opponent and his party threaten to cut or eliminate Social Security and Medicare benefits to retirees (Project 2025).
The reversal of Roe vs. Wade should be enough to give Kamala the victory all by itself. Stripping women’s rights to their own body (something not done to men), should ignite women votes that would tip the balance. I understand the passion of many who would like to see zygotes and embryos as human beings, yet lose the logic when these cells later become alive females whose lives are no longer their own, with their freedom being sacrificed as early as puberty by the same people who claim to care about them.
Those tired of gun violence alone should put Kamala over the top because she and her running mate have listened to the 64% of Americans who want increased and enforced regulations for gun safety, while her opponent and his party ignore them.
Jews could account for as many as 6 million votes for Kamala, as many of them pride themselves about never forgetting the Holocaust, and realize a Trump-Putin partnership could set us up for unstoppable racial profiling going way beyond what is already happening. His admiration of and publicly stating he's wanting to be like Hitler should get their attention.
Those who understand the reality of Climate Change should alone put Kamala over the top, as her opponent’s “drill baby drill” intentions would accelerate the planet’s death into the fast lane. (Remember, the US has been shown to be twice as responsible as the second greatest offending country of green-house gas emissions – China - for pushing us toward extinction.).
"The rate earth is warming at an all-time high in 2023 with 92% of last year's surprising record-shattering heat cause by humans, top scientists calculated."
- US News and World Report
Kamala takes Climate Change seriously, along with 194 other countries around the world, and is committed to working toward a carbon-neutral America, which would continue to generate about 2 1/2 million new jobs per year in the United States.
Border issue? Well, that's an obvious one...Kamala and her administration worked with Congress to get to a decade-sweeping comprehensive bi-partisan solution that would have resolved this problem. Trump killed it. Americans who want to solve this problem would reinstate Kamala in the administration to re-establish this bill, not support someone who willfully and intentionally keeps the problem going.
Even though there are many ways for Kamala to come out on top, none of these may suffice for several possible important reasons.
Here’s the rub:
(1) Democrats have always been at a disadvantage in promoting strategies for fairness and equality and supporting the struggling, because they usually need several million more votes to beat republicans. (Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016, but won the presidency, and lost by 7 million votes in 2020, yet is still able to stir up controversy that he won among those who don’t know how to find out if something is true). In short, the electoral college gives the minority the advantage over the majority. It is likely Kamala will need 8 - 10 million more votes than her opponent to win, given her electoral disadvantage.
(2) Major efforts are being made to restrict voting that threatens Kamala’s votes (like the 450,000 voters that were recently eliminated in Oklahoma or the hundreds of voting sites closed in Texas to make it difficult for people to vote). Preventing select groups from voting is another factor that tilts the election away from the majority.
(3) Despite the preponderance of evidence to the contrary, almost 1/3 of Americans still believe the election was stolen in 2020, and do not seem to have the critical thinking skills to separate truth from fiction. This makes logic a less powerful influencer on the voting public, making reality of little value over fantasy on the minds of those for whom truth is irrelevant.

4) Trump is a master at manipulation. (This is not a judgment of him as being a bad person. It is recognition of a well-honed talent.) His base consists of the undereducated and economically challenged, who are especially vulnerable to misinformation, or the wealthy, for whom the benefits are obvious and guaranteed. And he knows the power of fear. Fear can disconnect people from their ability to think (a stimulated amygdala short-circuits the frontal cortex), and it seems only the emotionally aware survive his frequent fantasy stories and disrespectful slanderings. You’re not exactly thinking of evaluating economic plans when you think you may be about to be crushed by a King Kong. Unless people have been trained how to evaluate truth, or even care about truth, the consequences can be translated into self-defeating behavior at the ballot box.
I have voted to keep the democracy alive that my dad fought in two wars to protect. At the same time, I am setting my intentions on how to respond to the millions that will suffer if our freedom is not protected on November 5th. One way or another, my mission will not change: I will continue to love the hurting. I do not have any enemies. I am on the side of everyone. 😊. And it is everyone I will continue to love, regardless of their intellectual ability, their moral/emotional maturity, or their vote. And I will look for everyone else who is capable of it to hold me in love as well. 😉