Humanity has chosen some harsh lessons to learn these days. Perhaps we are ready to accelerate our awarenesses and growth through choices we're making as a human race.
Some of us will be learning that hurting people does not bring us what we truly want.
Some of us will be learning that hurting back those who hurt us will not bring us what we want.
Some of us will learn that anger does not bring us joy.
Some of us will learn that democracy is not free, and keeping it requires involvement and engagement with what’s going on.
Some will be learning that stepping into our power and to stop playing victim is worth the effort and necessary.
Some will learn that many suffer and many die when we do not actively care for one another.
Some need to learn there is enough for everyone, and that living in fear and scarcity is not necessary.
Some of us will be given many opportunities to practice forgiveness.
Some of us will learn that those we see as wrong or cruel, are really in pain and wounded, and their fear and anger keep them from thinking clearly and staying connected with their true loving nature.
Some of us will realize we are invulnerable to attacks from aching and misguided people.
Some of us will learn we can’t save everybody from pain, but we can save some, even ourselves. (I recommend we all watch the movie, “One Life” with Anthony Hopkins. It is a mirror of what we are experiencing now.)
Some of us will learn that if we are to be saved, we must step up and do it ourselves.
Many outside the United States will learn that not all AmerIcans are the same. Some manipulate, use people, create chaos, and have little sensitivity to their privilege or the needs of others. Others are filled with compassion, grieve the loss of freedom, are embarrassed by the behavior of others, and deeply desire a return to caring and love in their country and around the world. (in fact, most Americans did not vote for our current president, but he won by a 1½% margin over the next closest candidate).
Some of us will learn that we can't change other people, but we can change ourselves.
I’m sure there are countless other lessons to be learned that are not named above.
Can you identify one or more lessons you will need to learn to get through these trying times? It’s worth the effort to become conscious and aware of the opportunities to become better people when prompted by the challenges. 😊
Fear and Despair are normal human feelings. But we do not have to stay there. The sun will always come up in the morning, no matter how dark the night. What light will you bring to it?
Don’t just think about it. Bring it. 😊
Thank you!
David Larson
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