Perrrrfect Role Modeling from a Cat
I find it amazing what I learn when I pause to notice what's going on around me.
For example, a whole new world has opened up to me since I started taking more time to notice the variety of aromas and fragrances there are in the world.
Do you know how many textures there are on a single orange? Do you know how many colors there are on one? If you've never noticed, you'll be surprised when you check it out !
When you see flowers, do you take time to smell them? More than once? Whenever there are flowers in our home, I smell them every day! They've helped me notice beauty around me when I could have missed it by hurrying by.
Are you like me sometimes, when I realize I am rushing so quickly toward happiness that I step over the joy that is right here, right now?
Here are some of the gifts I have received from my cats - reminders really - of how to live life with minimum stress:
Stretch several times a day.
Bathe yourself often.
Shed what is no longer useful for you.
If you have an itch, take care of it.
Take frequent naps.
Do not resist what is.
Be ready for anything.
Keep your balance at all times.
Make entertainment out of simple pleasures.
Learn to relax almost anywhere.
Know what you want.
Trust yourself.
Be curious about everything - it's the spice of life.
Take in stroking from others.
If someone is doing something that bothers you, leave.
When you want attention, ask for it gently, and persistently.
Sleep when you are tired.
Purr when you are satisfied.
Cuddle up close to the ones you love.
David Larson is a Life Fulfillment Coach. He works with people who want to live exceptional lives. He can be reached at 507-373-7913 or at his website, )
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