Monday, May 10, 2021

How to See Heaven on Earth

Most of the world does not understand that we are One. 

That is why when we attack others internally with our thoughts, or externally with our words, we also feel attacked.  In fact, we feel so attacked, that we use that feeling to justify having attacked others.  And so we are caught in an endless exchange of verbal and emotional assaults.  We create our own hell.


It is because we are One that when I judge you as ‘wrong’, I also feel like you think I’m ‘wrong’.


When I focus on what I see as your weaknesses, I seem to have anxiety that you will see mine.


If I see you as guilty, I will feel like you have judged me.


It is because we are One that:


When I give you peace, I feel peaceful as well.


When I celebrate you, I feel like I’m part of the celebration.


When I lighten your load, I feel lighter too.

As A Course in Miracles teaches us, “All that I give is given to myself.” (Lesson 126)


We do not stop hate by hating.  We do not get rid of ‘badness’ by judging each other as bad.  We do not feel relief by condemning.


We feel grace when we give grace.  We feel the impact of forgiveness when we give forgiveness.  When I seek to cheer you up, I cheer up myself.

That is because we are One.  Everything comes from us, and comes back to us.


We think our interactions are with others.  That is an illusion.  All of our interactions with others have the impact of us interacting with ourselves. 


Whatever I give, I get.  It’s why those who hold grudges never find happiness.  It’s why those who withhold freedom from others, are always never quite feeling free enough themselves.  It’s why those who complain see complaint everywhere.  It’s why those who are angry inside, see so much anger in the world.


It’s why when you buy someone else a meal, you always experience one coming back to you.  It’s why when you join a committee to serve, you are blessed by the relationships of others who serve with you.


And it is why those who love unconditionally, experience the awareness that they cannot be out-given, and that the more they give, the more they feel like they have enough.


Welcome to heaven.

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